Breast lift – mastopexy
Breast lift in Munich and Starnberg with private lecturer Dr. Max Geishauser
Less scars. More sensitivity. The nicer breast.
Would you like to have a breast lift? Then let the expert – PD Dr. Max Geishauser – advise you on the subject of breast lifting in Munich and Starnberg.
With a breast lift, the surface of the breast is reduced – the volume of the breast remains the same or almost the same. And the breast is aesthetically shaped.
This results in a lift and a beautification of the shape. Especially after pregnancies, weight loss or due to natural sagging, the breast loses fullness, the surface becomes larger, the tissue has less elasticity and tone. The upper parts of the breast become emptier and flatten with the stretching of the inner breast ligaments. The nipples sag.
With a breast lift, sagging breasts regain a more beautiful shape.
What is meant by breast lift?
Hormonal changes during and after pregnancy, weight fluctuations, genetically determined less elastic tissue or simply the increasing loss of elasticity of the skin and remodelling of the mammary gland with age can be reasons for changes in breast shape. And also a congenital weakness of the connective tissue (genetic disposition). The breast then lowers due to gravity and movement.
The breast can sink as a whole, so that the upper parts of the breast lose volume or, rarely, there can also be an overemphasis of the lower parts of the breast (“bottoming out”).
Depending on the initial situation, a breast lift can be combined with an enlargement or reduction of the breast volume. Up to 20 different incision techniques can be used. Especially in the case of large and heavy breasts, it may be necessary to combine lifting and reduction of the skin, glandular and fatty tissue in one procedure. However, small breasts can also sag and lose volume and firmness. If, after weight loss, lifting alone is not enough to compensate for what has been lost, it is a good idea to combine breast lifting with implants as a volume provider.
In this way, the breast can be optimally shaped in terms of contour, position and size. In addition, the patient’s own fat (micro-fat transplantation) can be used as a natural filler.
Especially with pronounced excess skin, an effective breast lift without surgery is hardly feasible. However, a breast lift can bring the breast back into a firmer shape. The higher position of the breast and nipple makes the breast appear much more youthful.
Breast lift in Munich also under local anaesthetic
We have specialised in breast lifting for a long time. We have also been performing the operation painlessly without anaesthesia for years. We are among the pioneers of the operation with as few scars as possible and the preservation of feeling.
What can be achieved with a breast lift?
Through a lift, the breast and also the nipples are brought back into a higher position, which results in a much more youthful appearance. The shape, position and size of the nipple can also be corrected.
As a patient, you have the opportunity to express not only general wishes, for example, for a more youthful shape, but also detailed wishes, for example, for the size of the nipple.
Modern surgical procedures result in fewer scars on the breast and generally better sensitivity than in the past. In addition, the extent to which the breast can be shaped has increased due to the combination of different techniques. A breast lift in Munich can be combined with a breast augmentation and breast reduction or with shaping the breast with filling materials: fatty tissue, hyaluronic acid, implants.
Should a breast lift only take place after pregnancy?
In many cases the operation will be carried out beforehand, for example if the breast has sagged due to weight loss. Or in the case of congenital deformities. Or also in the case of asymmetries. If the breast sinks again later due to pregnancy, another breast lift can be performed without further ado if the first operation was performed well.
Does a breast lift affect my ability to breastfeed?
Generally speaking, there is always this risk with breast surgery. However, in the case of a pure breast lift, where the connection between the gland and the nipple is not disturbed, this risk is extremely small, so that breastfeeding is still possible after a breast lift.
Can I effectively firm my breasts with sport?
Lack of oxygen can cause considerable damage to the skin and connective tissue. Maintaining the elasticity of the supporting tissue will counteract sagging. It is important to keep the oxygen supply to the skin optimal day and night:
Exercise – daily
Do not smoke
Sleep well
However, if the breasts have already sagged, this cannot be reversed with either medication or exercise.
What breast lift methods are available?
Depending on the initial situation and the desired result, the incision runs around the areola or must be supplemented by incisions downwards to the inframammary fold and, if necessary, by incisions in the underbust fold. Both the position and size of the areola can be corrected.
A distinction is made according to the type of incision:
The small periareolar breast lift, also called the donut lift (or – not always quite correctly – breast lift according to Benelli – and also not correctly the Italian “O” technique – is considered particularly gentle and scar-saving for smaller lifts: with the help of a ring-shaped (circular) incision around the areola, excess skin can be removed and the breast gently lifted. This technique changes the shape of the breast considerably.
The best results are almost always obtained when the lower parts of the breast are also tightened. In the vertical technique (“I” technique according to Lejour, Hall-Findlay, Geishauser), a circular incision is made around the areola as well as an incision from there to the underbust fold.
If a very large area of skin has to be removed during the breast lift, the so-called “inverted T incision” or “anchor incision” is usually made. (Operation according to Strömbeck, Höhler, Pitanguy, short scar technique according to Geishauser). In addition to the incision around the areola and the vertical incision, a horizontal incision is made in the breast fold. In this way, the excess skin can be completely removed both longitudinally and transversely.
There are a number of other techniques (for example, L incision) which we will be happy to explain to you during your consultation.
In general, each technique removes excess skin and lifts the breast tissue and also the nipple (medically called “nipple-areola complex” or “nipple-areola complex”). The aim remains to achieve a beautiful and natural result in the long term.
Breast lift in Munich with the “inner bra” method
With the “inner bra” method, an older technique, the breast is not primarily lifted by the tightened skin, but by an inner support. The excess skin is not completely removed, but is used to form a support structure in the lower part of the breast. The breast rests on this firm tissue, which remains palpable in the long term. Unfortunately, even this does not guarantee long-lasting success.
OrbiShape is a more recent method of breast lift. Here, thin silicone foil implants are fixed with silk bands, which give the breast support from the inside. We will be happy to explain the advantages and disadvantages of this method to you.
Kurzüberblick | Beschreibung |
Erstes Beratungsgespräch | 30 – 60 Minuten |
Operationsvorbereitung | Operationsfähigkeit (Hausarzt – Internist) |
ambulant/stationär | meist eine Übernachtung |
Narkoseart | Vollnarkose, zusätzlich Lokalanästhesie für die Stunden nach der Operation |
OP-Dauer | 40 – 80 Minuten |
Nachbehandlung | |
Verbandswechsel | nach 7-10 Tagen |
BH | kein BH, nur Top, kein „Stuttgarter-Gürtel“! |
Kontrollen in der Praxis | nach 1 Woche, 4 Wochen, 3 Monaten |
Sport | sofort leicht, steigern nach 1-2 Wochen |
Gesell. Aktivitäten | eingeschränkt für etwa 10 Tage |
Is the nipple moved during a breast lift?
To give the breast a youthful appearance, the nipple should be in the centre of the breast. A breast lift without moving the nipple is only feasible if the breasts are only slightly saggy and the tightening of skin and tissue is sufficient to lift the nipple to the place of highest projection of the breast.
Can the size of the nipple “nipple” be changed?
Yes, there are various techniques for this, which we will be happy to explain to you. Both a reduction and an enlargement are possible.
We can specifically preserve the nerves in the breast. This leads to a much improved feeling in the breast compared to operations where this is not done.
And: If you fill the breast with volume – silicone implants or micro-fat transplantation – the breast also becomes firmer. We will be happy to discuss which method is best for you after a thorough consultation and examination
Is the feeling of the nipple and skin affected after surgery?
Shortly after a breast lift, sensory disturbances can occur, as fine nerve pathways often have to be severed during the operation. Normally, however, the sensation returns in the course of the healing process. Rarely, however, the sensation in the nipple can remain limited.
What needs to be considered with stretch marks?
Stretch marks indicate severe stress on the skin, often caused by soft connective tissue and severe strain on the skin, usually due to overstretching. The effect of this stretched, inelastic skin is significantly reduced support. If the stretched skin mantle is filled with further weight – for example by an implant – the stretch marks can even increase and post-slackening is possible. In these cases, a breast lift without an implant is more advisable.
What is the long-term experience with a breast lift in Munich?
If the breast has sagged again, a “follow-up lift” or “follow-up correction” can be performed later without further ado and restore the bust to a beautiful shape. The prerequisite is that the first operation was performed well. During the follow-up correction, the plastic surgeon will completely remove the old scars so that there are no more scars afterwards than before the follow-up lift. However, the advantage of removing the skin, raising the nipple and shaping the breast always remains!
Breast diagnostics – early detection before breast lift
For women over 40 years of age and with a positive family history for breast cancer – i.e. if there is a family history of breast cancer – we routinely perform the usual breast diagnostics before the operation. If the results of an early breast cancer diagnosis that has already been made are available, these can usually be used.
After a breast lift, the examinations for early detection of breast cancer, such as physical examination, mammary sonography, magnetic resonance imaging of the breast – MRI Mamma, can be continued without any problems.
What risks can occur?
After a breast lift, there may occasionally be wound healing problems, infections and secondary bleeding. In general, wound healing disorders are somewhat more frequent in smokers. Permanent sensory disturbances of the nipples are rare. A restriction of the ability to breastfeed, on the other hand, is extremely rare and is actually not to be expected from the principle of the operation.
However, the feeling is usually very good immediately with our procedure of preserving the nerves.
By choosing an experienced and careful plastic surgeon, the risk of unsightly scars or aesthetic problems can be reduced.
Anesthesia for the breast lift
How does the operation work under local anaesthetic – without general anaesthesia?
With the progress of modern methods of local anaesthesia – local anaesthesia – regional anaesthesia, a general anaesthetic is usually no longer necessary for this operation (but is of course possible on request). During the operation you can also sleep with a local anaesthetic; sedation with a tranquilliser is also possible for this purpose. And the operation can usually be done on an outpatient basis. The aftercare is similar to other shaping breast procedures
Is there a risk of anaesthesia?
The risk of anaesthesia is eliminated when the operation is performed under a special regional anaesthetic
Ist eine Vollnarkose nötig und wann kommt eine örtliche Betäubung infrage?
Mit dem Fortschritt moderner Verfahren der örtlichen Betäubung – Lokalanästhesie – Regionalanästhesie ist für diesen Eingriff eine Vollnarkose nur in Ausnahmen oder auf Wunsch erforderlich. Standard sollte die kombinierte örtliche Betäubung oder Regionalanästhesie sein. Eine Kombination mit einem leichten Dämmerschlaf wird oftmals als angenehm empfunden. Die Operation kann in den meisten Fällen ambulant erfolgen.
How painful is a breast lift?
A breast lift is a surgical procedure in which skin is removed and the breast tissue is brought back to a higher position. You do not have to be afraid of pain. Neither during the operation nor afterwards.
We do everything before, during and after the operation to keep you pain-free and make the procedure as comfortable as possible. After the operation, the breast may feel tight and swollen. In addition to a feeling of pressure, you may experience slight soreness and increased sensitivity to touch.
In order to keep the pain as low as possible after the breast lift, it is advisable to get enough rest during the first few days.
Will there be permanent scars? Where is the operation performed?
Depending on the incision technique, scars may appear around the areola, vertically downwards or in the breast fold after the breast lift. However, experience has shown that the scars caused by a breast lift fade after about two years and are hardly visible. The prerequisite for this is our scar-saving surgical planning.
The decisive factor, however, is the atraumatic (gentle) surgical technique. With the help of microprocessor-controlled HF devices (high-frequency surgery – “surgery without a scalpel”), almost perfect haemostasis can be achieved, so that the stress on the entire body caused by the operation is also minimised.
After the operation and for aftercare, you will be given a breast tape bandage developed by us. This relieves the scars, protects the breast and the fresh scars and you can take a shower.
What do our patients say?
What is important before and after the breast lift?
In order to achieve an optimal result, there are some rules to follow before and after the breast lift:
Before: At least 10 days before the operation, you should refrain from taking anticoagulant medication, as well as alcohol and nicotine. It is advisable to keep the skin around the nipple supple with massages and creams.
We will discuss everything in detail before the operation. You will then receive an information folder in which the most important information is summarised. This contains the contact details (telephone numbers of the clinic, practice and mobile phone number of the surgeon).
The necessary preliminary examinations are also listed here.
The preparation for the operation is usually done by your family doctor. If a mammography is useful, we can refer you to a centre for breast diagnostics.
Operation day: On the agreed day, you will come to us in the operating theatre, where our friendly operating theatre nurses will be waiting for you. You will be admitted to the sterile area of the operating theatre (surgical clothing, surgical shoes). In the preparation room, the planning of the operation takes place. This is important and must be very precise. We take our time until everything is perfect.
Then our operating theatre nurses will take you into the operating theatre and prepare you – and the operation begins. As the operation usually takes place under a special local anaesthetic, you can listen to music during the operation – or sleep.
After the operation, you can rest for a while – and soon be collected. For safety reasons, you will need a companion at home the first night.
However, we can also plan the operation with anaesthesia and/or overnight stay in the clinic – even for several days. Suites are also available here. And an accompanying person can also stay with you. Catering and other comfort features can also be booked.
Afterwards: What you do afterwards is particularly important for a complication-free breast lift:
12 hours after the procedure you may shower, you can leave the breast tape bandage in place. It can get wet and is quickly dried again. You should not soap the bandage. However, if a little soap gets on the bandage, there is no problem.
Further follow-up examinations in the practice are always possible.
At the first dressing change after 5 – 10 days, the ends of the threads are shortened, painlessly. Then you will continue to receive our special tape dressing for 5-10 days.
Please note that during the first few weeks you should only move your upper arms carefully and not put any weight on them. Avoid lying on your stomach while sleeping so as not to disturb the internal wound healing. A special bra should be worn after the breast lift. Often the old bras still fit, as the breast size does not change if the breast is only tightened. After the operation, it should be worn around the clock for the first three weeks and at least during the day for another three weeks. High-lifting bras or bras that deform the breast are not advisable for two to three months.
Where will the operation be performed?
We have several options here:
We operate in several clinics of the highest care level. Here, the hygienic conditions are optimal. A surgery room in a practice cannot offer the same conditions.
A breast lift in Munich is usually performed on an outpatient basis. This changes if a breast augmentation or breast reduction is desired at the same time. Then it makes sense to book at least one overnight stay in a good clinic. Here we have cooperations with several top clinics in Munich and Starnberg.
Breast lift in Munich – costs
What are the costs for a breast lift in Munich?
The costs for a breast lift in Germany in good clinics can start at about 7000 Euros. The price range is determined, for example, by different treatment methods, regional factors, the standard of the clinic, as well as individual fee rates. If the lift is combined with a volume reduction or breast augmentation with implants, the average costs can rise further. Due to the variety of possibilities, the costs can never be given as a lump sum, but must always be calculated individually.
Which doctor is suitable for a breast lift in Munich?
You can recognise a suitable doctor for a breast lift among other things by the specialisation in the field of breast surgery as well as the specialist title for plastic and aesthetic surgery.
Unfortunately, there are differences in quality. Every doctor is allowed to perform cosmetic surgery after passing his or her exams, including a breast lift. Therefore, you should always consult a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery. This doctor should also have many years of extensive experience in this field.
Take a look at the doctor’s curriculum vitae: Did he/she receive training in a good plastic surgery department? Did he/she work there independently as a senior physician? And also ask the doctor of your choice about this…
Breast lift without general anaesthesia is performed by only a few very experienced doctors.